“Inspirations” – Michele’s Spiritually Uplifting Blog

A person walking on the sidewalk with writing in front of them.

My calling as a Christian fiction writer

his is my very first blog post as an author so bear with me! I wrote a novel called "The ...
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Finding Real Rest

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Matt 6: 32 Petering Out I was ...
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A patriotic picture with the words " july 2 0 2 4 " in front of it.

God’s Timing is Perfect

After six decades on this earth, I have finally come to know, trust and rely on God's timing. Not all ...
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A painting of flowers with the words " season of god 's mother."

A Season of God’s “Magic”

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life." (Proverbs, 13:12) The Magic of ...
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A park bench in the middle of a field with flowers.

Make Time for Joy

This past weekend I went to another writer's conference…this time, The Well Conference for Creatives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Trying ...
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