My calling as a Christian fiction writer

his is my very first blog post as an author so bear with me! I wrote a novel called “The Faithful One” which, by the grace of God, has been published and was released earlier this month with Ellechor Publishing. It is a modern-day story based on the Bible’s Book of Job. Looking back on how I came up with the idea (riding down the road in Aberdeen, MD looking at a neon sign in a store window that read “Used Books and Bibles”) – I now see it was God calling me. Why else would I put down the novel I was in the middle of writing, or abandon getting the already written one published? I never in all of my 30 some years as a writer thought I’d be a Christian fiction writer…but now I have submitted a second novel to my publisher called “The Peacemaker,” based on the Bible’s tale of David and his second wife Abigail. Instead of trying to get rich and famous (past misguided goals), I am now just trying to “follow the call” and hope my will is in alignment with God’s. Time will tell! If you get a copy, let me know what you think!

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Michele Chynoweth

