Helping you write, edit, publish and market your book!

Get Your Book Done Right! Book Coach Michele Chynoweth can help!

Book Coach Michele Has Helped These Books Get Published:

Michele Chynoweth’s Book Coaching Services

Two people sitting in front of a bookshelf

Rely on the Experience of an Award-Winning Author...

Michele will help you from her own expertise as the best-selling and award-winning author of five novels, "The Faithful One," "The Peace Maker," "The Runaway Prophet," “The Jealous Son," and "The Wise Man."

Faculty Member and College Instructor...

Michele has been a keynote speaker and given numerous workshops at writers' conferences across the country and is a college writing instructor, teaching classes on writing, publishing and marketing your book. She can help you write or re-write your manuscript so that it has the best chance of being published and selling lots of copies. She can also help you find the right agent or publisher for your work or help you through the self-publishing process.

A person holding onto a red book in front of some books.
A book is open on the table in front of some books.

...and Marketing Expert Who Has Helped Many Writers Become Successful Authors!

Prior to becoming a full-time author, speaker and book coach, Michele worked in marketing and public relations for 30 years as a journalist, ad agency owner and marketing director of a large corporation. Let Michele lend her many years in marketing and public relations, as well as her expertise in editing, publishing and marketing her own books and the books of others, to your next book so that you too can become a bestseller! 

What Michele's clients say

Larry Scanlan

Larry Scanlan, Author of Business Practices, Biblical Promises

"Without Michele’s assistance, my book would have never seen the light of day. Her book coaching service is an investment that is well worth it…my books are already selling and getting rave reviews!"

A woman with short hair smiles for the camera.

Jacinta Fontenelle, Author of Contemporary Psalms

“Special thanks to Michele Chynoweth who came alongside me and gave the push that I needed in order to complete this project at a time when I was experiencing discouragement from previous unsuccessful attempts to complete the book.”

A woman with long hair and green eyes.

Jordan Oliver, Author of Drafted

“Thank you to my book coach Michele Chynoweth for making this book a reality. For a first time author, the publishing can be intimidating and overwhelming, but Michele made it easy. I had been working on my book for seven years, and she brought me across the finish line!”

A man in a suit and tie.

Pastor Josiah Long, Lead Pastor of Spiritual Warfare Ministries and Author of Pure Truth

"Michele was a patient coach who guided me to polish my writing and organize my story and message into a book that is readable and marketable I highly recommend if you're a struggling writer to take advantage of all of the help she offers.”

Greg Kaiser Sr.

Greg Kaiser, Sr. Author Of Management Rescue

“Michele Chynoweth merits special consideration as my editor. A truly calm and steady hand for one who doesn’t what he doesn’t know about writing and publishing”

A man with glasses and a beard wearing a jacket

Ed Samuel, Author of Optimize Your Resume

"Michele was invaluable in helping me publish my first book. She knows it all: layout, design, editing, proofing, pricing, publishing, marketing and more. I highly recommend her to anyone needing help in this arena."


Susan Green Author Of Crystal Lake Inn

“Thank you for your support and guidance. It (Crystal Lake Inn) wouldn’t have been published without your help!”


Steven Rogers Author Of Into The Room

“Thank you for all the guidance and wisdom. Working with you has been a graduate course in the craft.”

A man with glasses smiling for the camera.

Stanley McCluskey, Author of Divorce Is Worse than Death

“I didn’t consider myself to be a good writer at first, but Michele helped me to polish my skills and add stories to help bring my book to life; she not only served as my book coach and editor but as my mentor, friend and biggest cheerleader.”

shelia stovall, author of Every Window Filled

Shelia Stovall Author OF Every Windo Filled With Light

"To my talented editor…thank you for sharing your skills and expertise and helping me achieve my dream!"

alice photo

Alice Dickson Author OF Merging Shadows

“Thank you so much for all you did to get my book to completion. The knowledge you gave me was invaluable and your spirit is phenomenal.”

Terry Haynes-79

Terry Haynes Author Of Pushing Past The Scars

“Michele encouraged, coached and challenged me to become an author. She imparted honest and support feedback and generous caring through this surreal process.”

Alderdice, Marc Business Prt

Marc Alderdice Author Of Dont Forget To Dance

“Michele is a superb editor and book coach…she didn’t just tell me (to do edits), she showed me how; she was phenomenally patient…but always driving towards the final goal.”

Faith bio photo

Faith Addair Author OF Raising an Addict

“Thank you for never giving up on me. Your knowledge and encouragement are priceless. I know this book would have taken much longer without you.”

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Kim Allen Author Of reLead

“It is my privilege to work with Michele…the quintessential all-star team professor of words, supreme book coach, eagle-eyed editor and marketing genius.”

Jeff Sigel photo

Jeffrey Sigel Author Of The Middle Matters

“Michele Chynoweth, my editor, warrants special recognition. Her thoughtful comments have not only improved the book, but also made me a better writer.”

Let Michele Help You Too!

Please send a request and explanation or sample of your writing to receive a free customized proposal on book coaching services!

Email Michele: [email protected] or fill out the contact form below: