Year of Faith

The Catholic Church is proclaiming that we are now in the “Year of Faith.” Thought it was a good time to mention that my novel, “The Faithful One,” would make a great read during this time – since it is all about holding onto our faith, no matter what life throws our way. (The Year…

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Just in Time! Respect Life/Domestic Abuse Awareness

My new book The Peace Maker has just been published (my copies arrived yesterday!) and I am proud to say that in it I address critical issues that not only I believe are “in our face” more than ever as Christians and as voters – but what the Catholic Church and many Christian Churches are also actively promoting as urgent: October is…

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Lesson Learned: First Shall Be Last

Remember today’s Gospel reading? I was in the Mustard Seed Christian Book Store in Rehoboth Beach yesterday talking to the owner, Amy Mitchell, and another author, John Ritchie, about doing a joint author book signing on Oct. 7 in the store. Amy Mitchell is the nicest person and was so accommodating – I was only…

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No Grey Area

I haven’t always been a “devout” Catholic – and by that, I mean believing and living by ALL of the principles of the Catholic faith. It is only through going through the RCIA process (as my husband’s sponsor and now as a team member teaching it) that I have come to an all  new appreciation…

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Just saw the movie this weekend – and if even a part of it is true, I am uneasy at best. As some of you may have gathered, my new novel, The Peace Maker, is based on a fictional presidential election – set in 2024. While it is based on the Bible’s  Book of Samuel…

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How Cool is the Bible?

The short answer? Pretty darn cool. My kids ask me, “Mom, why are you re-writing Bible stories? If you had chosen to write a book like Fifty Shades of Gray, we’d be rich!†My soon to be 16-year-old daughter, who’s very smart and outspoken, in particular doesn’t get it.  She thinks the Bible is just…

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True Freedom

This is an excerpt from my upcoming speech at Toastmasters International:  Happy  4thof July! As you all know, the Fourth of July in America represents a celebration of independence: the freedom our forefathers chose from taxation without representation from England; the declaration that all people “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among…

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A Trying Day…this too shall pass!

For the nation (with the Supreme Court ruling upholding Obamacare and thus the HSS Mandate that will force Catholics to act against their beliefs); and for me (we are getting our entire house practically renovated thanks to our dog Shirley who shut herself in our bathroom upstairs, had a panic attack and bit through the…

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Just Ask!

I feel blessed lately that God has been opening a lot of doors for me – as my good friend Carol says, “putting just the right person with just the right message in just the right place at just the right time.” But I realize it’s because I’ve been asking. This morning I listened to…

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Fortnight 4 Freedom

This may very well be one of the biggest causes in our lifetime that we as believers in God can stand behind; for those who still don’t know about the fact that the HSS mandate (Obamacare) is going to be decided on any day now by the Supreme Court – and that, if passed, will…

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