Walk with Jesus

“Live as people who are free…living as servants of God. Honor everyone. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.” (1Peter 2:16-21)

We are in the midst of Holy Week…today is Holy Thursday…we are called to be Holy. But what does that mean? What are we called to do, to be?

As a former news reporter I ask a lot of questions. I think Jesus probably gets a chuckle out of this sometimes. At least I hope He does. I try to put my inner frustration aside and pray for His will with a heart of obedience, humility, service…but they don’t come easy. I hear Him saying, ‘that’s okay, just try.’ Or as they say in the 12-Step program, just ‘suit up and show up.’ I can think of a thousand reasons why I can’t show up tonight at the Holy Thursday service at my church. And then I think, none of them matter. All that matters is that we come to the table, be with others, walk with Jesus.

I had an epiphany today in reflecting on watching the TV show “The Chosen†the past few weeks. It is subtle, not spoken, but I realized Jesus never sent one disciple out on his own to do a chore, whether it was gathering wood or making dinner, scouting out the next town, or carrying a message. Whether or not they wanted the company, he always had them take a “buddy†or sent two of them together. I now realize why…he wanted us to help each other, learn together, serve together…not isolate or walk alone.

Jesus knew he was going to the Father and we would be left here to walk our own journeys. But He gave us the way through His words and actions. And I believe He does call us not only to communion with Him in the Eucharist, but to be in community with each other through service which he symbolized in many ways including the washing of the feet.

So to walk with Him is not only to show up to church, but to “walk†with each other… to sing, pray, laugh and cry with each other, to help one another, and sometimes, to just be with one another.

He never intended for us to walk alone. And isn’t that a relief?

Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me friends, family, co-workers and community… people who You have put on my path in Your infinite wisdom for a reason. Help me to serve You by serving them, to walk with You by walking with them. Amen.

Michele Chynoweth


  1. Barbara Coulson on April 7, 2023 at 11:27 am

    Thank you Michele, Your message this morning is timely, an affirmation of what I believe the LORD has been teaching me. Stop looking for the big ways to serve Him. Receive and enjoy all the little ways He allows me to serve, encourage, laugh, cry, work, play, forgive, and worship alongside others. He showed us with His life how to do these “little” things that accomplish His purposes. Meanwhile, He’s already done the big thing once for all. He defeated sin, so we no longer have to go the way sin leads. He defeated death, so we too can live rich, abundant lives beginning right now and right on into eternity. In the world but not of the world. His light in a dark world. Anyway , thank you. Happy Resurrection Day!

  2. Patricia D’Annunzio on April 7, 2023 at 7:58 pm

    I just finished reading your article, it was so inspiring. I really try to be there for family, friends and people in my life, you make me think that Gods puts me in contact to help people. This is the first time I realize Jesus is helping me to help.
    Was so nice sharing the mass last night with you and your husband sitting next to me, hope we can sit together again tonight and share Good Friday with Jesus.

    Your friend, Pat

    • Wordpress on May 10, 2023 at 2:41 am

      Hi Patty, thank you so much for your reply to my blog post back at Easter time! It was so good to hear from you and I’m sorry for the very delayed reply! I loved sitting next to you for Holy Thursday mass and I hope we get to know each other more in days to come. I need to check these comments much more often. Thanks again, your friend, Michele

