Halfway There

We are halfway through the season of Lent…a six-week journey of repentance, reflection and restoration of our souls so that we are able to greet the Lord’s resurrection on Easter Sunday with renewed spirits and complete joy. It coincides with the forty days Jesus spent in the desert when he was tempted by Satan, and so to walk with Jesus, we are encouraged to pray, fast and give to the poor.

At this halfway point I reflect on how poorly I feel I’ve done so far in my own Lenten journey…and how I feel a bit guilty that I’ve fallen short on many accounts. I haven’t done well at all with fasting or almsgiving (charity), and decided to give up sweets but it’s been hard (and I’ve forgotten a few times). I cut myself some slack as I remind myself my father just passed away a few weeks before Lent started, I’ve been wrapping up my intense 8-Week Book Coaching Master Class, then I just had eye surgery and, well, it’s been tough. But we all have life happen every single day, and it’s when we feel we have little time for God that we need Him the most.

So I also reflected on what has happened positively this Lent…to try to take a “glass half full” vs. a “glass half empty” outlook (which is in my nature on most good days) and I realized something…because I am watching the TV Show “The Chosen” (pictured here in this blog), I have been reading the Gospels to see how they correlate with each episode…and praying and meditating on them. I can totally relate to the disciples chosen, their doubts, frustrations, fears and insecurities…and I totally feel the love the actor that plays Jesus, Jonathan Roumie, shows to the common men and women with very flawed pasts. I am reminded Jesus didn’t come to save the righteous, he came to save sinners, and if we have faith, he will save us…that we too are chosen.
All of this is a pretty good start to Lent, right?

Then I was reminded yesterday when I spoke to my daughter that Lent began on a very bright note! Her daughter, my granddaughter Vanessa Marie, was born on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, and what’s more I got to be there to witness the miracle of her birth! You can’t ask for a better start then that! And I know it will end on a bright note too with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ…the miracle of all miracles.

So I guess halfway there is not half bad!

Happy Lent – and for those of you who are Irish (or celebrate with them), Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!



  1. Patti Shene on March 17, 2023 at 4:09 am

    MIchele, I am sorry to hear of your dad’s recent passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of grief. And eye surgery! Yikes! Been there, done that! I’d say with all you have on your plate right now, you are doing pretty good at recognizing the meaning of the Lenten season. May God bless you!

