Giving Thanks…

Did you know that the Bible – in the Old Testament alone – mentions giving thanks 102 times? November is known as gratitude month for many. Maybe this topic sounds trite to some, overdone, cliche even. But I know I need to be reminded on a daily basis to be grateful because I realize that when my heart is full of gratitude, it can’t be full of negative thoughts and feelings like fear, doubt, worry, regret, stress, etc.

And I have so much for which to be thankful…for all of my students, clients, writers who have been fruitful and are working hard to get their books published or have already been successful in doing so; for all of the support I’ve received for my novels from fans, readers, editors and many more; for the unconditional love of my friends and family; for all of the opportunities that have come my way, all of the author interviews on TV, radio, podcasts and blog casts – and the wonderful writers conferences I was blessed to be part of, especially this past month at the 2022 Maryland Writers Conference and 2022 Florida Christian Writers Conference, as well as the much-needed wonderful week’s vacation in Florida with my husband, for whom I’m profoundly grateful…the list goes on.

Being grateful also reminds me to trust in the Lord’s goodness even when I can’t see it on the horizon. My husband and I have a blended family of five adult children and since we were married twelve years ago, the door to our home has been somewhat of a revolving one. Just as we get comfortable with being empty nesters, one asks to temporarily move back home to get back on their feet again. Of course we experience anxiety over it, but looking back I’m reminded that these stressful situations also present opportunities…to become closer, to grow in our love for each other, and to stretch our faith in God’s will and plan.

Lord, thank you for reminding me that when I am grateful, all is well with my soul.



  1. Debra L Butterfield on November 3, 2022 at 9:34 pm

    Michele, thank you for this wonderful reminder about gratitude. You’re so right. When we are full of gratitude, there’s no room for the negative.

    The Lord currently is teaching me some things using Habakkuk 3:17-19. No matter how bleak things look “the Sovereign Lord is my strength. He makes me…able to tread upon the heights.” And gratitude is the doorway to that kind of assurance and joy in the Lord.

