Are You Ready?

Right around this time everybody starts asking the same question…are you ready for Christmas? I’m still shaking my head wondering how it got to be December already! Where has this year gone? If you’re like me, everything sneaks up on you and suddenly you feel like you’re making a mad dash to get ready…for the holidays and for the year to come.

But wait…maybe it’s actually time to slow down, step back and reflect first There’s still time…to ask yourself what’s most important, to plan ahead, to dream and to get ready for what’s in store. Not just for Christmas, but for your life…your goals, plans, purpose. Advent has just begun so light a candle, take a breath, make a wish, say a prayer… only you know what you really want – your heart’s desire – now go ahead, ask for it, pray for it, decide you are going to work for it, make a plan, set it in motion, and then relax and realize God’s got this!

All you have to do is suit up and show up. God, of course, can’t come down here and do the work for you. Prayer also needs action. But if you have a dream, goal or vision AND you not only make a plan but take action on it, and then pray for God to help you achieve it, if it is His will for you, it WILL HAPPEN. He promises us this: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.” (Colossians 23:24)

I have witnessed several of my book coaching clients and Master Class students get their books published as this year winds to a close. I am so proud of them and look forward to a new year filled with God’s promises!


