Give yourself a pat on the back!

I just finished my final edits on my newest novel, The Runaway Prophet, a modern-day story based on the Bible’s Book of Jonah, and submitted it to my publisher. You would think I’d look (or at least feel) like the girl in the picture here. But my exhilaration at having completed my book is tempered somewhat by the old “fears” of failure…and success. Of course, I know most fear is F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). For example there are the “what if’s” – what if it doesn’t become a best-seller, what if it doesn’t “take off”…etc. And then I realize I really do believe in myself and my work – and this third novel will be and do even better with a new, bigger publisher and an agent who has stood behind me and fortunately, a husband and friends who support me every step of the way, for which I am supremely grateful. But then, what if it does take off…will I be able to sustain sales and success and rise to the increased challenges of becoming a national best-seller? (Of course, my answer is “yes!” But it still feels a bit overwhelming when I stop to think about all of the work it will take to get there!) I am reminded it all comes back to my faith that God will guide me along the way if I listen to Him, that everything will happen in His time, and that He didn’t put this dream in my heart without a reason. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” the apostle Paul tells us. (Romans 8:28), which happens to be my favorite Bible passage. So today, I will be grateful  and joyful – and pat myself on the back. After all, we are God’s hearts and hands here on earth. And since I can’t physically reach out and pat you on the back, go ahead…you deserve it.

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Michele Chynoweth


  1. Carol A Connelly on October 5, 2015 at 2:15 pm

    Thanks for my apt and three back to you. Hugs,Carol

    • michelechynoweth1 on October 5, 2015 at 2:16 pm

      You deserve one finishing all of those Christmas paintings!

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