Finding Peace during the Hectic Holidays

The ISIS tragedies internationally, the unrest in Ferguson nationally, Black Friday shopping craziness at home (that I almost bought into but didn’t thanks to my husband!), family dysfunction and holiday commercialism…we could point to many reasons NOT to feel peaceful, especially during the holidays! And yet, Advent just began yesterday with the first of December and somehow, someway, we are called to focus on keeping a peaceful spirit. But how? For me, I am going to try, during this Advent season, to spend a little more time in the morning and at night in the Word – reading the Bible, praying, meditating. So that when I do go “out there” to interact with others, I won’t get caught up in what I want, or feel anxious and stressed, but focus instead on what I can give to others, and keep a feeling of peace and joy in my heart. It will be hard, I know, and I’m sure I’ll fail at times, but at least this year I’m starting out the first day trying! So my hope is that each of us finds the gift of peace this Christmas, and can give that same gift to others. That’s how Jesus really wants us to celebrate his birthday! He even said so: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled…as the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John). Like my character Chessa Richards in my novel, The Peace Maker, we are faced with difficulties, tough people and tough choices. But if we trust in God, I believe we can get through anything with a peaceful heart.

Michele Chynoweth


  1. Carol Connelly on December 1, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    Sounds very good to me. I will try it too! Have a good day. Hugs

    • michelechynoweth1 on December 2, 2014 at 9:35 am

      Hi Carol,
      Thank you for reading and continuing to uplift and support me with your responses! Hugs back,

  2. Nancy Williams on December 1, 2014 at 9:13 pm

    Thanks for this timely reminder! With the world yelling its’ messages of frenzy and entitlement, especially at this holy time of year, I will try to focus on that peace that Christ brings to us.

    • michelechynoweth1 on December 2, 2014 at 9:34 am

      Thank you Nancy for continuing to uplift me as well! I hope you and yours have a very blessed Christmas season!

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