Two Ears, One Mouth

I think there’s a reason God gave us two ears and one mouth. I have worked recently on trying to become a friend who listens instead of a friend who just gives advice. I know often the solution to whatever problem I’m experiencing is within me – and I just need to hear myself talk it out with a good friend who listens! When we’re busy giving advice to our friends without really listening to them, sometimes it may be because we want that friend to do what WE want or WE believe they should do instead of what GOD wants them to do. Take Job’s friends for example in the Bible’s Book of Job. They gave poor Job all sorts of advice when he was going through all of his pain and suffering: you must have done something to bring this on, you should repent, you should do more, pray more, be more…when in fact, none of that was true. Job just had to be still and finally hear God’s voice speak to him through the stillness (and finally hear Him when his friends stopped chattering!) The answer was simple: God has a plan and we may not know the answer as to why we’re experiencing pain or suffering at the moment – but if we continue to have faith, the answer will reveal itself in God’s time. Today, let’s be a good friend to someone by simply listening – and let God do the talking!


Michele Chynoweth


  1. carol on September 15, 2014 at 10:38 am

    Well said and so very true- luv u Hugs, Carol

    • michelechynoweth1 on September 21, 2014 at 1:19 pm

      thank you for reading and responding!! Means a lot!!

    • michelechynoweth1 on September 21, 2014 at 1:20 pm

      And of course I’ve learned from you 🙂

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