What Will Your Legacy Be?

Write HIS Answer…Work for God, my new employer…sign a “Writer’s Covenant” that I won’t give up…have faith and HE will make it happen…it’s not about the money!…I had just returned from the 3-day Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference and then heard in church yesterday Luke’s Gospel reading in which Jesus tells the parable of the…

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Power of Prayer

“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” – Matt, 21:22 My 22-year-old son Will had just bought his first new car. He was so proud of himself. He lives on his own, works really hard and is also taking summer courses in college to try to finish next spring, and we were…

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The Real Reward

I was invited to be a “guest blogger” again on SeriouslyWrite.blogspot.com (a website for postings by Christian authors); here it is! (or just visit SeriouslyWrite.blogspot.com)   Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow. Really? by Michele Chynoweth How many writers yearn for the ability to quit the “day job†and focus only on…

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The Popularity of The Bible

The following and magnitude of viewers who watched the Bible Miniseries that  ended with its finale Easter Sunday on the History Channel is a stunning example, I believe, of how the Bible is more popular than most people probably thought. As an author of modern-day Bible stories, I am extremely encouraged by this good news! Mark…

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Many called, few chosen.

This week is “National Vocation Awareness Week”, an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education. Now, I know (married with five children) that I am not called to be a nun! However, I also know I…

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New Year’s Resolution

This year I am doing something I’ve never done before in the way of New Year’s Resolutions, having learned my lesson from years past. On Jan. 1, 2012, I made a New Year’s Resolution to “give up drama.” (!) Again, be careful what you wish for! 2012 was full of drama for me! But all…

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If the world ends tomorrow…

I was invited to be a “guest blogger” on SeriouslyWrite.blogspot.com (a website for postings by Christian authors); here is a sample of my blog (posted in its entirety on SeriouslyWrite.blogspot.com) This is a time of year famous for reflecting back on the year(s) past. Perhaps, it is more poignant today with tomorrow’s predicted “End of…

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Thankful = Joyful

The season for gratitude is upon us…and I for one have so many blessings for which to be truly thankful. I could complain about the cold weather (not a big fan), working my day job while my dream of writing continues to churn within, struggling with my still new, small publisher as they face growing…

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Don’t Give Up…

It is a hard day for all of us who felt like we lost the battle…for religious freedom, for the right to life, against government oppression. In other words, we lost the election. But because I believe God truly does have a plan, instead of questioning “then God, why would you let this man Barack…

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Evangelization and the Election

Growing up Catholic I always thought that the word “evangelization” was a negative word that was associated with Jehovah’s witnesses knocking on the door. Our response? Run and hide! But I have realized lately that I have a whole new outlook on evangelization, and that hopefully I am practicing it  – both through being on…

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