Answered Prayer…

I went to a fabulous retreat with Johnette Bencovic (Women of Grace, EWTN) this past weekend in Delaware. It was pouring down rain and cold outside, but inside quite warm with fellowship, prayer and a good message about how women can make a difference. I got to thinking, however, how I could have been a better…

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Grouchy to Great – Turn It Around!

Ok, I woke up grouchy. Don’t know why, just did. Maybe it was that I woke up late, didn’t feel good, didn’t want to go to work, didn’t have anything to pack for lunch, didn’t get the stuff done over the weekend I wanted to get done, football team lost, heard the criticisms in my…

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Change of Plans

My husband and I were supposed to go to the beach this weekend to celebrate our anniversary…but then we had the dreaded “change of plans.” I had orchestrated the whole mini-vacation to my favorite destination but then he wasn’t feeling well, so we stayed home. I don’t deal well with this. I tried to “suck it up”…

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Respect Life…

 October is Respect Life month (and yesterday was Respect Life Sunday). As a woman I respect a woman’s choice when it comes to her body…I have had one or two male doctors who tried to tell me I wouldn’t feel pain (when I did!) and ignored what I knew to be true and I paid the price. But I also know what it’s…

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Hearing God…

I tried meditating for five minutes one morning recently. I was reading in the Bible how David meditated on God’s Word and I decided to do the same. Of course I’ve heard many times how prayer is how we speak to God, and meditation is how we can hear Him speak back to us. And…

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Jonah’s Tomb Destroyed – What’s Next?

ISIS, the Islamic State that has been terrorizing and killing thousands of Christians and Yazidis, beheading American and British reporters, taking women and children as sex  slaves – has also begun to destroy historic religious shrines. ISIS militants recently bombed and destroyed the tomb of Jonah and the mosque that housed it, obliterating for all…

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Two Ears, One Mouth

I think there’s a reason God gave us two ears and one mouth. I have worked recently on trying to become a friend who listens instead of a friend who just gives advice. I know often the solution to whatever problem I’m experiencing is within me – and I just need to hear myself talk it…

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God’s Not Dead!

Saw this gem of a movie over the weekend about a college student whose aetheist professor makes him defend his position that God’s not dead. At the end the movie challenges everyone to spread the word by texting others, “God’s Not Dead.” Now it was 10:30 Sunday night when my husband and I finished watching the movie…

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Let Freedom Ring!

This Fourth of July means more to me than it ever has before. Two years ago I marched with a multi-denominational cross-section of people who believe in the Right to Life and religious freedom in Wilmington, Delaware as part of the first Fortnight for Freedom in the fight against the Obamacare HSS Mandate forcing business owners to go against…

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Graduates: Ask instead, “How can I serve?”

Yesterday I watched proudly as my oldest son William graduated from Towson University in Maryland. He worked really hard – through a lot of struggles and challenges, including having a newborn (Marley Elizabeth, 6 weeks old on his graduation day!). He has a sociology degree. Now I’ll be the first to admit, I once thought “what…

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