Lessons (of Faith) from the Garden

A garden with the words " inspirations of faith from the garden ".

I was out in the garden this morning harvesting kale and basil…yes, I planted (or should I say “we”, my husband and I, planted) not only one but two vegetable gardens during this pandemic…not because we were bored, mind you, but because our sons gave it to me – the seeds, dirt, tools, even the…

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Embracing the New Year

A black background with gold numbers and the words happy new year.

I’m not sure about you, but 2019 seemed to be a roller coaster year emotionally for me, full of ups and downs, loved ones getting sick, some health issues of my own, dreams becoming fulfilled (pursuing my writing, speaking and book coaching business full-time) and yet some disappointments coming my way too (my book launch…

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The Best Gift of All…

A group of people riding on the backs of camel.

At this time of year I want to thank all of you who have been reading my “Inspirations” spiritual blog posts and who have been so loyal and supportive. I feel especially blessed and want to wish you and your family and friends the many blessings of this special time of year…gifts of joy, peace,…

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Prepare Your Heart for the Holidays

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are, of course, right around the corner and with their approach, I know some people are already feeling anxious…stressed about what to wear, what to make, what to buy, what to bring…and some just want them to be over. I would like to encourage you (and remind myself) that instead…

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Discipline, Fortitude and Success…

Do you ever feel that you’ve fallen so far away from a practice – whether it involves diet, exercise, good work habits or even writing – that it feels nearly impossible to get back to where you were and that it just seems like it would be easier to give up altogether? I have done…

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Roll with the changes…

Summer just turned to fall here in the US, a change some embrace and others dread, a change barely perceptible in some parts and already visible in others. And besides the seasons changing, many people have other changes happening in their lives. For me, my latest change (besides in my career working full-time now as…

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The Fullness of Peace

I just came back from an early morning walk during which I had an epiphany I wanted to share…I woke up with free-floating anxiety and racing thoughts as I sometimes do and headed out the door but not before reading a passage out of a Charles Stanley daily devotional; today’s reading (out of I Lift…

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Scary and Exciting

Are you beginning a new chapter or embarking on a new adventure in your life? New class, grade or even school? New job, career or calling? New relationship – marriage, baby, live-in parent, pet? New move, new home or even big new trip? This seems like the time of year for many to make new…

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The Hardest Job of All

Lately, I have been a workaholic juggling two full-time jobs in marketing and as an author, speaker and book coach, but recently made the decision to leave the former (day job) to strive toward the latter (dream job) and see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel (more balance in my life). Reflecting…

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