Being part of something bigger than yourself

I, like many others, was fortunate (and adventurous) enough to see Pope Francis in Philadelphia on Sunday. Yes, there was a lot of excitement and hoopla, and yes, I got caught up in it. But I am overwhelmed still, the morning after, when I stop to think about the experience, or talk about it with…

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Bold AND Humble

Yes, we are going to see the Pope! (This, of course, is a photo of my husband Bill and I with a likeness of the Pope – taken at our church picnic!) People have been teasing us that we are absolutely crazy to venture into Philadelphia this coming weekend to see the Pope. I have…

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A safe place to land…

Being a parent, a mom, is hard. My son recently got married and I felt like part of it didn’t go so well. He got mad at me, I got mad at him…and overall I feel to some degree like I have “lost” him. We have talked since and made amends…and I realize he wasn’t really…

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Through the eyes of a child…

 I had the pleasure of watching my 17-month-old granddaughter Marley Elizabeth for a few days while her parents (my son and his new bride) were on their honeymoon. It was exhilarating and exhausting…a few moments of frustration but many more of delight, joy, love. I saw her blossom as she got used to being with…

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Who do you think you are?

Have you ever had a time in your life when you were proud and happy about accomplishing something really good – and you shared it with family members or friends, only to have them react negatively or not at all? You start fulfilling your purpose, you land that dream job, you get your book published, you conquer…

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Thanks and praise…even when it’s tough.

I am deeply grateful that an issue which I was struggling over (and wrote about right here on this blog exactly three weeks ago) was resolved after much prayer (and relinquishing of stress!) Talking to my spiritual advisor (my priest) helped, venting to my close friends helped, even yoga helped – but most of all you readers helped. The blog about going…

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Loving the Unlovable

By now you’d have to be living in a cave not to know Pope Francis is visiting the US in September. Perhaps you also have heard that he plans to visit a prison while in Philadephia. At first when I became aware of this, I thought, huh, couldn’t His Eminency’s  time be better spent visiting…

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Spiritual Maintenance

I got to start my Monday morning in the dentist’s chair. Not anyone’s favorite time or place, yet it’s obviously something that needs to be done if we want healthy teeth. Now let me start by saying I’m not comparing time with God to a dental visit! However, I think maintaining my spirituality is a…

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Surrender instead of Stress!

I am going through a difficult struggle right now, despite all the blessings in my life, which involves the mistake of another that may cost me thousands of dollars and possibly delay a dream on my horizon. I have gotten angry at the person who made the mistake, I have tried to fix it (and am still…

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Above and Beyond

 Funny little story…during our recent Italy pilgrimage, on the second day, we were in Turin to see the Holy Shroud and then explore the town on our own for two hours. Of course seeing the Shroud of Turin in person was very moving in and of itself. But as I have a propensity to see…

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