Love…and lots of events coming up!

I have a love/hate relationship with the month of February. (Alright, hate is a strong word, I really don’t hate anything but it’s just a saying.) I live in Maryland so it’s usually cold and sometimes dreary. I was born in the dead of winter, but summer is by far my favorite season. Yet February is a month full of good things too…my birthday, Valentine’s Day and I recently discovered, National Marriage Week – today is the last day of this wonderful week. I was reminded in listening to my friend Gus Lloyd, host of the radio show “Seize the Day” on Sirius XM 129 (the Catholic Channel) that our number one job as a wife or husband is to “help our spouse get to heaven.” Wow. Simple and profound, and when I stopped to think about it, a huge commitment. But I know it can be a joyful one too.

I am lucky to be married to a wonderful husband who I rely on for so much…not only for help around the house (which he’s great at) but celebrating all of these fun February events, for a shoulder to cry on or comfort when I need it, for friendship and companionship, and yes, for spiritual support. But most of all for love. He tells me he loves me every day…and I do believe he is helping me get to heaven, I only hope I am helping him too. (It’s a process, a journey, but I believe we are on the right track!) We are blessed to have a blended family of five kids and two grandkids who bring us gray hairs but yes, love and joy too.

I have a friend who often says in the rooms of recovery, “if no one told you they love you today, I’m telling you…I love each and every one of you.” Ditto!

I pray you receive much love today and every day of your lives.



