No Ordinary Time…

This is the time of year where I think a lot of us feel like crawling back under the covers and letting the world spin without us. If we’re not fortunate enough to be on some luxury cruise in a tropical climate, many of us are living in the dead of winter…and when you’re sick…

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Ending…and Beginning Again

Advent is upon us…are you ready? Not only ready for Christmas, but ready for the “new year”? The church’s new year began with the first day of advent yesterday of course…and it made me pause and reflect on where this past year has taken me…with relationships, my career as an author, speaker and book coach,…

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Are You Thankful for You?

It is the season for giving thanks…and lately I haven’t been feeling it. People have let me down recently. I’ve been frustrated with my progress in my career. I’ve been feeling a bit anxious about which way to turn. This morning I read in one of my daily inspirational readers that I need to learn…

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Weaknesses and Strengths…

In my latest book writing class I’m teaching at my local college, I have stressed the importance of “character arc,” or how a character (usually the main one or protagonist) grows or changes through the story line or plot of the novel. It’s what typically elevates a book to be really great. Most characters are…

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RSVP – Now!

I recently missed a deadline of an invitation to speak at a writers’ conference  next year for which I really wanted to do a workshop presentation; I had gotten an email about applying to speak at the conference and then it slipped my mind and when I remembered to respond, it was too late. I…

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Be positive when posting…

What would happen if, for just one day, everyone in the world would use nothing but kind words of encouragement, promoting hope, harmony and peace and perhaps even change, only in a positive way? On this same date two years ago I was blasted by several individuals on social media in response to a blog…

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The next right thing…

Some mornings (especially Monday mornings after a very hectic weekend) I still wake up with some anxiety about the week ahead, how to accomplish everything I have put on my list, asking ‘what are my priorities?’ and ‘what is God’s Will’ in the scheme of things? Add to the feeling of being overwhelmed a sense…

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When Life Seems Unfair…

Although it’s been around awhile, I just heard an acronym that describes one of my character defects that occasionally rears its ugly head (although a lot less than it used to) and that’s FoMO (Fear of Missing Out). I looked it up and it’s actually a word that was added to the English dictionary a…

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Rising to the Challenge

Today I am doing something I’ve never done before…teaching 10 to 15-year-old students how to become authors. I’ve taught adults how to write, publish and market a book for several semesters now at my local college. When the college program director asked me earlier this year if I wanted to teach a course to home…

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Letting Go…

My daughter is in Florida now which is being battered by Hurricane Irma. She is safe in a shelter with a few friends and families and after a few more days will return to campus for her senior year at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, which hopefully wasn’t devastated too badly and will…

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