Stick with the Winners

I gave a keynote address on “Pen to Purpose” at the 10th Annual Vine & Vessels Christian Writers Conference this past weekend and one of the topics I addressed was surrounding yourself with “winners” or the right people who can best help you run your “race” to fulfill your purpose in life. Here  are some of…

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Going down the rabbit hole…

Do you ever feel like there are days or even larger chunks of time like weeks or months in which you realize (usually looking back)  you have been so distracted from your main goals and purpose in life that you feel like you went down the rabbit hole? This little phrase has been stuck in…

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Finding Balance…

I believe life…or rather, living the life you really want to live…is all about finding a good balance. It’s about finding time for exercise, eating right, getting enough sleep, working to feel fulfilled and help others…finding the perfect blend of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies to feel healthy and whole. Sounds simple, huh? But…

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Better Managing Our Time…

I was pressed for time writing this blog today so I thought I’d share something I’d already written to help people who are feeling stressed out about managing their time. After all, I believe God wants us to make the most of our time here on earth but doesn’t want us stressing about it. So…

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Who Are We to Judge?

We are living in a world now where scandal seems to be always at the forefront of the news, in a time many would call very dark indeed, in which drama seems to be heightened by all forms of media (take a look at any form of social media in particular) in which people are…

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Are You Chosen?

A profound question struck me as I listened to the Gospel message in Mass yesterday. The reading (John 6:60-69) recounted the reactions of the disciples after hearing Jesus tell them, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you,” and that only those who…

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Gotta Get Away!

Thankfully I am going on a vacation soon…it will be with family so I’m sure it will probably be busy as well as fun. But hopefully I will be able to relax a little and enjoy some much needed time away from the daily grind. I have been so caught up in work that I’ve…

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Feast or Famine?

This is the first summer I have not been to the beach yet. Ok, I know there are real problems in the world and in the grand scheme of things this is not a big deal. But for me, it kind of is…summer is my favorite time of year and the beach (usually the Delaware…

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Just Do You

I went to an International Convention of a self-help program this past weekend in Baltimore and although my head is still crammed full of great information I learned on how to focus on and take of myself, there was one message that really resonated with me, that still rings in my head. I will have…

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You can do it!

I was recently asked in an author interview resulting from an award I won what was the one bit of advice I think is most important that I would give other potential authors? I said without hesitating, “keep believing in yourself.” I know from my teaching college students how to write their first book that…

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