Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry…It’s been around since the beginning of time. Cain and Abel were the first example in the Bible. Cain let his jealousy of his little brother Abel consume him and set out to destroy him. Then there was Jacob and Esau. Jacob was jealous that his older brother Esau would get his father’s blessing…

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Is the Bible really relevant?

The more we read and understand the Bible, the more intimately we can get to know the Author…and isn’t that what we all seek in the end? Do you ever feel like you could use an instruction manual for life, or at least some of the things you have to deal with? A manual on…

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A New Freedom and A New Happiness

  This morning I woke up thinking about a deadline I missed that involved entering my book in a major contest. I simply forgot since I had so much going on in my life with family, career, life. There was nothing I could do about it and yet it consumed my thoughts and I beat…

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Digging Deep…

Have you ever felt as though your well has run dry? Like you are completely exhausted, burned out, have nothing left to give? I believe that is when we need to dig down into our souls to find the strength and renewal only our Creator can give. Lately I’ve been feeling overwhelmed again, lining up…

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Get Closer to God

My kids have often asked me, “Mom, why do you write Modern Day Bible Stories?†Of course they would prefer that I write what they would say is “hot†(‘you know, something like 50 Shades of Grey’) and that would immediately make us all rich and famous. I tell them today that I trust that…

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Thankful for your gift?

Recently I found myself facing a few difficulties in launching my new book, The Jealous Son…with technology, with people, with time. Basically things weren’t working fast enough and the way I wanted them to. And while some people have surprised me with their support and encouragement, there have been others who, let’s just say, have…

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Experiencing Joy

Joy. I only usually feel it when I am present in the moment – experiencing something good and allowing myself to really feel it. Where I live in Maryland, Easter is usually a time for joy because of the season of spring and all it brings…flowers blooming, the trees turning green, kids playing outside, fresh…

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How Holy Week Can Change Us…

“Pain is the touchstone of progress.†This saying, by Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, used to really get on my nerves when I heard it said the first time or two. That’s because I didn’t understand it. I wanted to avoid pain at all costs. Now I know that for change to happen,…

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DARE to Walk with Jesus

I was truly humbled yesterday as a small crowd gathered in the library of the Immaculate Conception Parish Center in Elkton, Maryland where I was giving a Lenten workshop titled “DARE to Walk with Jesus.†The room was packed, standing room only…with fellow parishioners, familiar faces of friends I hadn’t seen in a while and…

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Giving Up Stress for Lent!

As some of my friends, most of my family, and definitely my husband know, I have been working extra long hours lately in my author, speaker and book coaching business. With a new book ready to launch, several big speaking opportunities on the horizon (March 28 as the lunch keynote at the Global Rescue Mission…

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