Wake up and be ready to take a stand

In the wake of the confirmation that the shootings of 14 innocent victims in San Bernardino, CA were by  Islamic terrorists, I am deeply disturbed by additional news that a neighbor of the killers refused to report the pair to authorities after witnessing suspicious activity at their apartment over fears she would be labeled “racist.”…

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Perseverance Pays Off…

I am now working on the sixth (seventh?) edit on my latest novel, The Runaway Prophet, and it seems that it will never be finished. I so hoped it would come out in time for Christmas. I actually hoped it would be published a year and a half ago when I finished writing it. Patience…

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Be thankful even though…

A friend of mine used to say at 12-step meetings, if you wrote down your problems on a piece of paper and everyone in the group threw their slip of paper out onto the table, you’d want to get your own slip back rather than take someone’s else’s. So true! This, of course, is the…

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Pray for Paris

My heart goes out to all of the families of those lost in Friday’s tragic shootings in Paris. But I have to say I am not surprised at the attack reportedly by Islamic State or ISIS backed terrorists. I have thought for a long time that there needs to be more action – on the…

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Are you ALL in?

Last night my husband and I were watching “Madame Secretary” on TV about ISIS and it just so happened we were talking at dinner about canned vegetables (you know, how fresh or frozen are better for you) and he said we should really stock up though in case of emergency, like if ISIS ever attacked…

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Who wants to be a saint?

Now if I asked “Who wants to be a millionaire?” like they did on the hit TV series, I’m sure everyone would answer, “me, I do!” But what was your first thought when you read the question in my blog header? Was it “me, I do!” Or was it, “um, not me, really…I’m not qualified,…

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Riches in my own backyard

Yesterday my husband and I went on a hike in nearby Fair Hill, Maryland.  The scenery was stunning this time of year and there were so many neat things to see. We walked several miles of trails and saw trees of many colors reflected in a stream, a historic covered bridge, old stone buildings, magnificent…

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To everything there is a season…

Wait a minute…it’s fall? Already? You might ask, ‘where have you  been, it started a month ago!’ But I’m one of those people who cling stubbornly to the last shreds of summer, hesitating as long as possible to acknowledge the season that soon gives way to winter. Give me one more time at the beach, in…

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Courage to discover

I was one of a few brave and crazy souls who went swimming in the ocean in Delaware this past warm October weekend. It was exhilarating (seventy degrees, cold enough to take my breath away at first, but then as I swam, refreshing and invigorating). The ocean never fails to bring me joy and bring me closer…

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Give yourself a pat on the back!

I just finished my final edits on my newest novel, The Runaway Prophet, a modern-day story based on the Bible’s Book of Jonah, and submitted it to my publisher. You would think I’d look (or at least feel) like the girl in the picture here. But my exhilaration at having completed my book is tempered somewhat…

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