30 Seconds of Guilt…

I’ll never forget the words of a priest on a women’s retreat I attended years ago in Malvern, PA: “Spending more than 30 seconds of guilt is a waste of time.” We as Catholics, Christians, people with morals, moms, dads, kids…all struggle with feelings of guilt from time to time. Just recently I was allowing…

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Don’t Listen to Them…

Everyone is told “no, you can’t” during the course of their lives, from the age of two when your parents try to keep you from danger or discipline you,  through adulthood when perhaps you’ve been rejected…by a lover or spouse, employer or even a friend or family member. It can hurt…real bad. But I believe…

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Praying for God’s Guidance in Iowa…

As America enters, in Iowa today, the first of many opportunities our nation will face to elect our next US President, I simply wanted to stop for a minute – and ask you to do the same – to pray that God guides our hearts as we elect a leader who will do His Will…a…

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We all have a job to do!

In helping try to take care of my dad who is now home recuperating from surgery and facing the road ahead dealing with cancer, I have felt a range of emotions…including guilt and inadequacy that I am not doing enough because I live over an hour away and work full-time two hours away and can’t…

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Reach out and touch a miracle

“A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came…

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Dealing with depression…

Some of my close friends and family members are dealing with depression at this time of year and I find it hard to know what to say to comfort them. I have dealt with bouts of depression in my life and have even taken medication for it at a really dark time in the past,…

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Dominion…and responsibility

God gave us, human beings, dominion over all the animals when He created man (and woman)…and with that comes a big responsibility to care for His creatures. I was sad today to lose my “best friend,” our dog Shirley who we adopted at 9 weeks old and who would have turned 13 this coming Valentine’s…

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Gifts and Presence

A red gift box with a bow on top of it.

For many of us back to work today, it sort of seems like Christmas is over and it’s time to look ahead to 2016. Personally, I love looking ahead to the New Year…a time to renew our commitments to our health, our finances, our dreams. As many of you know I’m a firm believer that…

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Trying to see the light…

Tonight at 11:49 pm EST is the darkest time of the year as the winter solstice occurs. (Universal time, 4:49 12/22). Historians and theologians say it’s no coincidence that we celebrate Jesus’ birth a few days later, on December 25 as the light begins to dawn on the darkness more each day. No coincidence that…

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It really is a wonderful life!

I watched the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” with my husband last night for the umpteenth time. It always touches me with its message. But for the first time I really started thinking about the “hole” I might leave if I had never been born…how I’ve touched other lives during my own. And at first,…

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