When one door is closed…

I always love hearing the Gospel reading that was read in yesterday’s mass about Jesus telling us to “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9). It is always encouraging to me to hear those words. I’ve always asked…

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Freedom…and Responsibility…to Choose

Are you voting in this the 2016 presidential election, or are you already so fed up with politics and the two presidential candidates that you have decided not to bother voting at all? As the Republican National Convention kicks off today in Cleveland, I personally know several people who have already given up on the…

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Love Thy “Neighbor”

“And who is my neighbor?” That’s the question the scholar asked Jesus in the Gospel parable of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37)  And that’s the question I think we all must ask ourselves every day. Who is the “neighbor” today who needs my help? Is it a coworker who I don’t particularly like, who’s annoying, but…

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Choices usually come with sacrifice

We all have choices to make, big and small, every day. Some are harder than others. And many affect others. I had to choose recently to either accept a faculty position at the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference this past week and miss going to my annual family reunion or vice versa. It wasn’t easy…my dad…

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God is still here in the light

When senseless, evil acts occur that kill, wound, inflict suffering on people we know and love like the terrorist shooting that happened a week ago in Orlando, it is hard at first for many of us not to ask, “Why does God allow this to happen?” or “Why didn’t God stop it?” I believe the answer…

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Our jobs are easy today!

Compared to the eleven apostles who were left (after Jesus died and rose again and Judas was gone) to spread the Gospel far and wide to all nations, our jobs as disciples, evangelists, Christians, are easy indeed. It just doesn’t always feel that way a lot of the time. I believe I have finally found and…

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What to do with anger and resentment

Mark Twain seemed to be not only a great author but a very wise man. All of us get angry from time to time. People wrong us, hurt us, make us mad either intentionally or unintentionally. Or they wrong or hurt people we love. And when it comes to someone wronging or hurting one of…

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God Still Rules in America

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!” (Psalms 33:12) I am proud to be an American and a Christian. It seems that both are being put down, fought and even oppressed by society these days. But we have to remember that since our country’s…

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Hardly anyone likes to “obey” someone. I spent time with my two-year-old granddaughter yesterday and watched as she playfully ran away from her daddy when he told her it was time to leave a party at our house. He used a more serious, commanding tone the second time and she pouted a little, then followed…

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You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have

Monday morning, blank page, dry well, already starting the week with not enough to give. What to do when those strange mental blanks and that feeling of emptiness come on…and you have a whole day, week, lifetime ahead of you to fill?  I am reminded that yesterday was the celebration of Pentecost, when Jesus gave…

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