Don’t forget to invite God!

‘Tis the season to invite others and be invited to holiday parties, to gatherings of family and friends, lunches, dinners and the like. But have you remembered to invite God to the party? And if you’re not hosting, will you at least invite Him to come along? I recently was reminded in a Bible study on…

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Power in Letting Go…

Have you ever heard of a “God Box?” It’s simply a box – any plain, decorative, hand-made or store-bought box – in which you place your concerns, worries, doubts, fears and problems, written on slips of paper – and then turn what’s written there over to the care of God. You simply release your own…

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Prepare the Way…

I have to admit I am not at all ready for Christmas, not to mention Advent, which started yesterday. I just returned from a 16-day trip to Australia, where it’s summer…tropical, warm, sunny, green. It was tough to come back to reality, to face jet lag, holiday family hoopla, gray trees and cold weather. The…

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All God’s Children

As this recent US election draws to a close, I think we all need our thoughts to turn not only to unity as a country, but unity with the world as a whole. I am especially mindful of this as I have plans to travel half-way around the world to Australia. I believe we Americans…

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Let Go and Let God…

“All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” (Helen Keller) We have had a week to deal with the disappointment surely half of all Americans faced, and may still be grappling with,  at the outcome of the US presidential election. And now the same people feeling this way must move…

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Vote in Faith, not Fear

“I don’t want to vote for either candidate, they both scare me.” If we had a dollar for every person who said that to us about tomorrow’s US presidential election, we’d all have pocketfuls of spending money. Some people are choosing not to vote at all. Some are voting for the “lesser of two evils”…

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Sinners and Saints?

Yes, we are all sinners, and according to God’s Word, we are also all called to be saints! Actually today’s holiday, Halloween, is rooted in the Christian “All Hallows Eve,” or the eve of All Saints Day (another word for saints is “hallows.”) I truly believe that sainthood isn’t just for certain people…it’s for each…

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Revealing God’s Ultimate Truth…

I’m in a bible study with a great group from my church and we are studying the Book of Revelation. I have to admit this is only the third bible study in which I’ve participated…and it is very intense! Of course, the Book of Revelation itself is intense…and at first glance, very scary (which is…

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The Second Deadly Sin…

Second only to the first sin of pride, envy can be the root of a lot of evil. It is at the heart of the story of Cain and Abel in the Bible’s Book of Genesis, which my upcoming novel I’m now writing, titled The Jealous Brother, is based upon. If you’re not familiar with…

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Be the “One”

I was fortunate to be the lector, or reader, in church yesterday because when I prepare for the readings, I always get something “extra” out of them by reading the background given in the Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers and Proclaimers of the Word…and this time was no exception. Yesterday’s Gospel reading was from Luke…

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