Don’t Quit Before the Miracle Happens…

I can only begin to imagine a mother’s (or father’s) grief over losing a child. Fortunately I have never had that experience and hope I never will. How does one go on? Yet Eve, the first mother, not only lost one child but really two, since Cain killed Abel and then “went away from the…

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Is the Spirit Working through You?

Writing the last few pages of a novel is one of the hardest parts for authors I think (second only to going back and re-writing/editing!) You want so badly to be finished and yet, you don’t want to cheat your readers or put forth a halfhearted effort just to get done. I feel like I…

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My Lord and My God…

I admit I never set out to write Modern Day Bible Stories…it was not my idea that got me where I am today. I hadn’t even read the Bible all the way  through and when God hit me with the thought, “you should write a modern day novel based on the Book of Job” (which…

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The Battle for Joy

The picture says it all…I was happy in the moment with my granddaughter celebrating her three-year-old birthday sitting beside me and my new one-week-old baby grand-niece in my arm on Easter Sunday. It was a beautiful day filled with joy at our house, celebrating with my sister’s family, my son’s family and some of our…

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If Peter Could Do It…

“Peter built the church on the rock of our faith, his banner over me is love.” I remember the line to this favorite children’s song I learned in Bible school growing up as I sat down to write my weekly Monday morning blog.  I have always thought Peter was a really cool figure in the…

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What’s It Gonna Take?

It seems like God has been trying to get our attention forever…from the Old Testament days of Genesis  when He saved Noah and his family on the ark and sent a rainbow and of Exodus when He parted the Red Sea and sent manna raining down from heaven, to His works through Jesus in the…

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Blind Faith…Lose the “but, what if’s”

Have you ever wished you were blind? Probably not. Sight is such an important sense to most of us. We look forward to seeing our kids and grand-kids grow up, the spring flowers bloom, the sunrise or sunset…but Jesus tells us (in yesterday’s Gospel) that it would be better for some of us if we…

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Fake it ’til you make it!

Just do it! I heard the Nike slogan in my head this morning as I debated (for the umpteenth time on a Monday morning) whether I should get up at 6 a.m., brave the cold and venture to the local gym to work out and swim laps…or sleep a little longer. Luckily, my better self…

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Forgiving and Freeing Yourself…

Have you ever felt so completely overwhelmed that you felt paralyzed? That feeling overtook me of late like a rock in my chest and I felt like it was hard to breathe. I berated myself not only for already messing up on giving up sweets for Lent and watching TV during lunch…but on everything…for being…

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Not to worry! How to de-stress

“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O men of little faith?” (Matt 6:30) Almost every day I hear from someone that he or she is “stressed.” Even I say I am stressed from…

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