Praying for God’s Guidance in Iowa…

As America enters, in Iowa today, the first of many opportunities our nation will face to elect our next US President, I simply wanted to stop for a minute – and ask you to do the same – to pray that God guides our hearts as we elect a leader who will do His Will…a President who is pro-life, pro-religious freedom and who cares about the welfare and future of all Americans and not just about himself or herself. There are several references and stories about “politics” in the Bible. In Samuel I (on which my book The Peace Maker is based) the people of Israel beg Samuel to ask God to give them a King like the other countries. (prior to that they’ve just had priests, prophets and judges). Samuel warns them that they don’t need a king, that God is their King, but they don’t give up so God gives them a king…in Saul, who ends up making poor choices and being a bad leader. Fortunately, he paves the way for King David and then King Solomon – better than Saul but also with their own faults. And then, of course, Jesus is eventually “sent” as the one true King. Still, to keep order we continue to elect leaders. Jesus reminds us in the Gospels to give to God what is God’s and give to “Caesar” (the government) what is Caesar’s. And St. Paul tells us we need to be mindful of authority. “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.” (Rom 13:1-7)  So I believe we shouldn’t simply ignore all of the politics…that we have a choice, a vote, and every vote counts…and we need to keep informed and keep praying about it. St. Paul tells us so: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (Tim 2:1-2) So let’s all pray for Iowans today to follow not only their hearts but God’s Will as they begin the process.

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Michele Chynoweth


  1. Eddie Price on February 1, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    You can say that again! I fear our whole country (our religious freedom, our traditional family values, our capitalist system of rewarding hard work and ingenuity) is on the line.  Obama (the man whose birthplace still is in question, who was educated in a Moslem school in Indonesia, who sat at the feet of terrorist Bill Ayers , who attended the church of Jeremiah Wright) has gotten away with getting elected under devious strategies (Acorn, the Indiana primary, stolen ballots.)  He has wrecked our economy, cozied up to our enemies, insulted our longtime allies, weakened our defenses, worsened race relations, persecuted political opponents (Lois Lerner–IRS, James O’Keefe—who exposed Acorn) expanded Planned Parenthood, mocked people of faith who “cling to their guns and religion” and is still extolled and glorified in the media.  If Hillary can get away with Whitewater, the abuse of her husband’s mistresses, Benghazi, and the State Department breach of security–and STILL get elected, I fear for all of us the later years.  Persecution of Christianity is actually glorified in the mainstream media. And those “doctors” at Planned Parenthood, gabbing about their butchery of infants so they can sell body parts, is one of the most chilling wrongs that America allows.  And people who expose that wrong are persecuted. Glad you are writing about the positive side of prayer.  It really is the right way to approach the evil which is glaringly apparent.  It is almost as if America has become the wicked people of Nineveh, Sodom or Gomorrah–perhaps we are worse.  Enough of that.  I am watching the primaries with great interest. Will you be back at Readers’ Favorite in 2016?  My illustrated children’s book “Little Miss Grubby Toes Steps on a Bee!” won a Gold in Miami (for preschool) and a Gold at Mom’s Choice for “Values & Life Lessons.”  I am working on the sequel to Widder’s Landing and trying to keep both books on the public burner. Eddie PriceEddie Price Kentucky Author 

    |   | |   | |   |   |   |   |   | | Eddie Price Kentucky AuthorWidder’s Landing is a story of life and love on the Kentucky Frontier. A young man loses his job and is forced to relocate. No one is hiring in such bleak economic … | | | | View on http://www.eddiepricekentu... | Preview by Yahoo | | | |   | | michelechynoweth1 posted: “As America enters, in Iowa today, the first of many opportunities our nation will face to elect our next US President, I simply wanted to stop for a minute – and ask you to do the same – to pray that God guides our hearts and we elect a leader who will do” | | Respond to this post by replying above this line |

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    | | | | Praying for God’s Guidance in Iowa… by michelechynoweth1 |

    As America enters, in Iowa today, the first of many opportunities our nation will face to elect our next US President, I simply wanted to stop for a minute – and ask you to do the same – to pray that God guides our hearts and we elect a leader who will do His Will…a President who is pro-life, pro-religious freedom and who cares about the welfare and future of all Americans and not just about himself or herself. There are several references and stories about “politics” in the Bible. In Samuel I (on which my book The Peace Maker is based) the people of Israel beg Samuel to ask God to give them a King like the other countries. (prior to that they’ve just had priests, prophets and judges). Samuel warns them that they don’t need a king, that God is their King, but they don’t give up so God gives them a king…in Saul, who ends up making poor choices and being a bad leader. Fortunately, he paves the way for King David and then King Solomon – better than Saul but also with their own faults. And then, of course, Jesus is eventually “sent” as the one true King. Still, to keep order we continue to elect leaders. Jesus reminds us in the Gospels to give to God what is God’s and give to “Caesar” (the government) what is Caesar’s. And St. Paul tells us we need to be mindful of authority. “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.” (Rom 13:1-7)  So I believe we shouldn’t simply ignore all of the politics…that we have a choice, a vote, and every vote counts…and we need to keep informed and keep praying about it. St. Paul tells us so: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (Tim 2:1-2) So let’s all pray for Iowans today to follow not only their hearts but God’s Will as they begin the process. michelechynoweth1 | February 1, 2016 at 11:05 am | Tags: Modern Day Bible Stories, Rediscovering the Bible in Today’s World | Categories: Modern Day Bible Stories | URL: | Comment |    See all comments |



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    • michelechynoweth1 on February 1, 2016 at 4:37 pm

      Eddie, thanks for your comments, I totally agree with you. Sometimes I feel so helpless and frustrated about it all so all we can do is pray and cast our vote and when we can, let our voices be heard. Good to hear from you! I won’t be in Miami any time soon – but I may come to Kentucky (where my novel, The Peace Maker is based) for a book signing during Derby week…will you be in town then? Let me know! Blessings, Michele

      • theresa on February 2, 2016 at 10:04 pm

        Very well said, Michele, we so need His guidance in this election!

  2. michelechynoweth1 on February 3, 2016 at 10:01 am

    Thanks Theresa! We need to keep having faith God has a Plan!

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