Are you ALL in?

Last night my husband and I were watching “Madame Secretary” on TV about ISIS and it just so happened we were talking at dinner about canned vegetables (you know, how fresh or frozen are better for you) and he said we should really stock up though in case of emergency, like if ISIS ever attacked or shut down our power or something, and it made me start thinking, what if I, like the many Christians dying over in the Middle East at the hand of this now-powerful terrorist group, were ever held at gunpoint and asked if I would die (or worse yet, be tortured) for my religion/faith/beliefs? I’d hope I’d say yes. So many times through the Bible people are either asked to (or willingly) go “all in” (like they say in Texas Hold ’em) – the Israelites grab whatever they can carry and follow Moses out of Egypt for 40 years through the desert; in yesterday’s Mass readings, the woman at the well gave all she had to eat to Elijah (1 Kings 17:10-16) and the woman at the temple gave all the money she had (Mark 12:41-44); and of course, Jesus’ apostles leave everything (including their families and friends) to follow Jesus. So, in our everyday “normal” lives (let’s hope it doesn’t come down to ISIS attacking us),  how can we go “all in” with God? I try to at least get on my knees and pray every morning…and should I forget to do that, read the Bible or another spiritual reading at some point in my day…and should I forget that, try to be a little bit kinder, more compassionate, forgiving, loving to those around me. I’m pretty sure life – and our spiritual life – is a journey and we need to just try to grow and improve one  day at a time. Starting today, Lord, let me go “all in” with my heart to serve you and others and to give my best efforts in all I do. Monday morning is a good time to start I guess! p.s. Just a word for my readers who keep asking…my new book, The Runaway Prophet, a modern-day novel based on the Book of Jonah, is being finalized with my publisher and is due to come out early next year; in it, the main character is asked to help save Las Vegas (the new Nineveh) from destruction by an ISIS mafia which has planted a nuclear bomb under one of the casinos. Of course, he tries NOT to go all in at first – but learns that to run from God’s call only brings more pain! I will keep you all posted!

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Michele Chynoweth

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