A Season of God’s “Magic”

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Proverbs, 13:12)

The Magic of June Bugs

Ahhh, the beautiful, magical month of June…a time for beautiful flowers, sunny blue skies, warm breezes, weddings, graduations, and the time when spring turns to summer, my favorite season of the year. A time to appreciate all God’s goodness. Our daughter was married this past weekend and the day was absolutely gorgeous. Clear skies, warm sun, gentle breezes…and a backdrop of gardens and lavender fields in full bloom. As the sun set over this picturesque scene, the moon and stars came out overhead and the wedding was coming to a close, I took one last look and saw hundreds of fireflies lighting up the field like twinkling lights at Christmas…which made me think, God’s creation is surely magical. Who else could create these mystical creatures to entertain us in the month of June? (I guess that’s why they’re also called Junebugs!)

The Freedom to Fly

Remember capturing fireflies when you were a kid? How you’d poke holes in the lid of a jar and collect them so you could watch them light up in your hands? But then, let them go so they could have their freedom again? That also reminds me how God treats us human beings on earth. Surely we entertain Him with all of our dreams and talents, our singing and dancing, our joyful moments with each other. Yet he gave us free will to fly in whatever direction we choose…to light up our world.

Breaking Loose from Captivity

Sometimes, though, people or things hold us captive and block our freedom to dream, fly free, be who we are meant to be. Usually it’s when we’re vulnerable and allow people or things to cage us…people who cause us heartache and resentments, the lash of addiction, self-pity, stress or anxiety, doubt or despair, regrets of the past or fear of the future. What is holding you captive from experiencing God’s magic all around you in this glorious season? How can you break free? Surely not of your own will, but praying for God’s help and strength, anything is possible…even escaping the jar!

Lord, I pray that You help me to break free from anything holding me back from all of Your hopes and dreams for me and experiencing the peace, joy and love you surround me with each and every day.

Michele Chynoweth


  1. Andrew McDowell on June 13, 2024 at 7:06 pm

    Excellent post, Michele, and congratulations to your daughter.

    • Michele Chynoweth on October 16, 2024 at 1:08 am

      Thanks Andrew!!

  2. Eleanor Parks on June 16, 2024 at 12:52 pm

    Yes, and Amen! Help me Lord.

    • Michele Chynoweth on October 16, 2024 at 1:08 am

      Amen sister!

  3. Laurie Schnepf on June 16, 2024 at 1:35 pm

    I LOVE the firefly analogy! This is a very uplifting post! Thank you!

    • Michele Chynoweth on October 16, 2024 at 1:09 am

      Thank you my dear friend…for reading, for responding, for caring enough to comment. Love you! Michele

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