Take a Break Before You Break

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.†(Matthew 11:28-30)

My laptop broke the other day. I worked it too hard…I was working too hard. Working on weekends, yes even on Sundays, working late at night and then early in the morning…working ALL…THE…TIME. I was too busy to get together with friends or family, too busy to read a book, too busy to enjoy life. Seeing me in distress when I told him I was feeling overwhelmed again (which became my typical state of affairs) and asking what I should do about it, my husband simply replied, “I just want you to be happy,” to which I responded, “I’m too busy to be happy!” That’s when I realized something was wrong with this picture.

We are soon entering the summer season, my favorite time of year, when life is sweeter because it usually slows down just a bit…but I already had been missing it because I was a workaholic. So I truly believe God slowed me down by incapacitating me, taking away my computer. Fortunately I didn’t lose everything in the process!

At first I felt lost and helpless…then I felt free. After dropping it off to the repair shop (which said it would take a few days) I enjoyed my lunch outside listening to the birds, I read the last pages of a novel I’ve been reading for over a year and then I took a nap! Afterward I cleaned my office, sent a few long overdue cards in the mail, took a long walk and called a couple of friends. And what do you know, the world did not end while I was off of social media, off of my endless string of emails, and disconnected from the Internet. It made me remember how life used to be before it got so hectic and I have to say I was a little sad to pick up my laptop again.

But at least I could recall a simpler time when we actually weren’t on our computers all the time. And I’m glad I can remember how to go back to that world again. To go outside and play.

Lord, help me to remember that we can always find rest in You.


