New Year Blessings

A white circle with gold lettering and christmas decorations.

“Write the vision…it will surely come.” (Habukkuk 2:2-3) For the first time in my life, I made a vision board for 2020. There are times I have felt like scratching through the “20” and writing “21” over it. Of course for the entire world 2020 has been a particularly rough year…quarantining, wearing masks, not seeing…

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Wishing you a very Merry Christmas

A white horse figurine sitting on top of a table.

“For no word from God will ever fail.” (Luke 1:37) This line from the Gospel of Luke about the angel Gabriel visiting Mary to announce she was to bear a son who would be the Messiah resonates with me since it makes me realize that God has and always has had a plan to save…

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Take Advantage of THIS 2020 Advent

A basket of candles with the words " prepare the way of the lord ".

Have you noticed there seems to be a Christmas frenzy going on? Of course it’s most likely due to the pandemic, which has caused people to be cooped up for a long time. Apparently people “need a little Christmas right this very minute…” as the song from the Broadway musical “Mame” goes. I think that’s…

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