Scary and Exciting

Are you beginning a new chapter or embarking on a new adventure in your life? New class, grade or even school? New job, career or calling? New relationship – marriage, baby, live-in parent, pet? New move, new home or even big new trip? This seems like the time of year for many to make new…

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The Hardest Job of All

Lately, I have been a workaholic juggling two full-time jobs in marketing and as an author, speaker and book coach, but recently made the decision to leave the former (day job) to strive toward the latter (dream job) and see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel (more balance in my life). Reflecting…

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Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry…It’s been around since the beginning of time. Cain and Abel were the first example in the Bible. Cain let his jealousy of his little brother Abel consume him and set out to destroy him. Then there was Jacob and Esau. Jacob was jealous that his older brother Esau would get his father’s blessing…

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