Digging Deep…

Have you ever felt as though your well has run dry? Like you are completely exhausted, burned out, have nothing left to give? I believe that is when we need to dig down into our souls to find the strength and renewal only our Creator can give. Lately I’ve been feeling overwhelmed again, lining up…

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Get Closer to God

My kids have often asked me, “Mom, why do you write Modern Day Bible Stories?†Of course they would prefer that I write what they would say is “hot†(‘you know, something like 50 Shades of Grey’) and that would immediately make us all rich and famous. I tell them today that I trust that…

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Thankful for your gift?

Recently I found myself facing a few difficulties in launching my new book, The Jealous Son…with technology, with people, with time. Basically things weren’t working fast enough and the way I wanted them to. And while some people have surprised me with their support and encouragement, there have been others who, let’s just say, have…

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