Experiencing Joy

Joy. I only usually feel it when I am present in the moment – experiencing something good and allowing myself to really feel it. Where I live in Maryland, Easter is usually a time for joy because of the season of spring and all it brings…flowers blooming, the trees turning green, kids playing outside, fresh…

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How Holy Week Can Change Us…

“Pain is the touchstone of progress.†This saying, by Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, used to really get on my nerves when I heard it said the first time or two. That’s because I didn’t understand it. I wanted to avoid pain at all costs. Now I know that for change to happen,…

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DARE to Walk with Jesus

I was truly humbled yesterday as a small crowd gathered in the library of the Immaculate Conception Parish Center in Elkton, Maryland where I was giving a Lenten workshop titled “DARE to Walk with Jesus.†The room was packed, standing room only…with fellow parishioners, familiar faces of friends I hadn’t seen in a while and…

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