I Still Have a Dream…

I have been working lately on putting together a “vision board.” It seems to be all the rage (even though many motivational coaches and speakers have really been talking about how a person’s future success is, in part, determined by his or her goals, mission and vision for many years, namely a few that I’ve…

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Faith Not Fear

Have you ever been snow skiing before and stood at the top of the mountain looking down…and realized it’s going to take every ounce of faith you can muster to get to the bottom? It’s been awhile but the snow we had here on the East Coast the past two days (which was beautiful I…

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When you wish upon a star…

Last night my son got out the new telescope he gave his four-year-old daughter (my granddaughter) and we all took turns looking at the stars in what was a very clear night sky. It was lovely and now as I look back, I see how fitting it was since yesterday was the feast day of…

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