New Year, New Adventures!

I love New Year’s Eve because it is always a time to reflect back on the past year…to take stock and be grateful for the good (small victories, improved relationships, new people, places and things) and learn from the bad (our shortcomings, mistakes and failures). And more importantly, it is a time to look ahead…

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Being vulnerable…

Have you ever felt vulnerable and had someone take advantage of you or hurt you? It’s hard to trust again or sometimes to even love again after that. But get up we must and learn to forgive, let go, and somehow, to be vulnerable all over again…because the opposite is being bitter, closed off, hardened…and…

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Make Room…

Everything seems to be heightened this time of year as we prepare for the Christmas holiday – joy and cheer as we experience the Christmas spirit – but also anxiety as we get ready by shopping, wrapping, decorating and spending time with friends and family. For me (and I’m sure for others) my emotions this…

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