Gotta Get Away!

Thankfully I am going on a vacation soon…it will be with family so I’m sure it will probably be busy as well as fun. But hopefully I will be able to relax a little and enjoy some much needed time away from the daily grind. I have been so caught up in work that I’ve…

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Feast or Famine?

This is the first summer I have not been to the beach yet. Ok, I know there are real problems in the world and in the grand scheme of things this is not a big deal. But for me, it kind of is…summer is my favorite time of year and the beach (usually the Delaware…

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Just Do You

I went to an International Convention of a self-help program this past weekend in Baltimore and although my head is still crammed full of great information I learned on how to focus on and take of myself, there was one message that really resonated with me, that still rings in my head. I will have…

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You can do it!

I was recently asked in an author interview resulting from an award I won what was the one bit of advice I think is most important that I would give other potential authors? I said without hesitating, “keep believing in yourself.” I know from my teaching college students how to write their first book that…

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