Why Not You?

I just returned from another writers conference – this one a four-day trip to the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference in Elizabethtown, KY – and as always I came back with my head and heart full of ideas and inspiration. But this time was different than past conferences…even different from the last time (two years ago)…

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God’s Got Your Back

I hope all fathers had a happy Father’s Day yesterday. Some of you have lost your dads…others may have had or have a bad relationship with their fathers…or some none at all. But we each should take comfort in the fact that we all have a heavenly Father who loves and cherishes every one of…

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Blessed are you…

The Beatitudes are one of my very favorite readings in the Bible, especially if I’m feeling a little blah or down. It reminds me that everything I do…all of the successes and failures, trials and triumphs, fears and frustrations…all of my efforts, whether they fall on the mark or fall short…will all be worth it…

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What is really URGENT?

I spent time doing something out of the ordinary this past weekend…relaxing. I didn’t go to the beach or the pool due to the rainy weather we’ve been experiencing here in much of Maryland. Nonetheless, my husband was feeling under the weather so I took the time to step away from my rat race of…

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