Let’s start this week (over?) right!

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the start of what Christians call “Holy Week,” or the week ahead leading up to Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection on Easter Sunday. I feel bummed that already I didn’t start off very well…I worked yesterday (yes, after my whole commitment to try NOT to work on Sundays!) to follow up…

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Stay in Your Lane…

I won a Toastmasters speech contest yesterday…it was the second round of contests on a journey to get to the Toastmasters International Speech Contest held annually to choose the “World Champion Public Speaker.” I felt good about my speech…I have had it in my head for months, on paper for weeks and practiced it for…

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Knowing Your Truth…

I was hacked today on one of my social media accounts (Linked IN) and I couldn’t get back into my account, as if someone had stolen it – not to mention sent messages to people I know that I was trying to get them to buy into some make believe investment scheme. I guess I’ve…

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Take a Time Out…

Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m a workaholic. Always have been. Not really proud of it. When I’m not at work in my marketing job, I’m at work on my author/speaker/book coaching career…writing, reading and editing other people’s writing, marketing my own work and that of others, speaking, looking for speaking opportunities, following up with the…

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