No Ordinary Time…

This is the time of year where I think a lot of us feel like crawling back under the covers and letting the world spin without us. If we’re not fortunate enough to be on some luxury cruise in a tropical climate, many of us are living in the dead of winter…and when you’re sick things are just that much worse. Add to that taking down the Christmas tree (sigh) and the present seems a little bleak…and it’s tough to look ahead to the future. It’s also the time the Church calls “ordinary time.â€

But I think this is the exact time when we need to be spiritual warriors…to put on our “armor†of Christ and to march boldly ahead to pursue God’s will and purpose He has placed on our hearts, to not give up, to be extraordinary. Recently I’ve tried meditating, spending time with God when I’m feeling down, and I believe He’s spoken to me, saying “get up and dust yourself off and get out there and continue what I started in you.†I also believe I heard Him say, “forget the mistakes and failures of the past year or even yesterday (in other words get over myself), be obedient (take responsibility for my choices and actions) and carry out my calling…and if you do it for me, I will help you bring it to pass.†Wow. I need to forget about my setbacks and frustrations and stop complaining my dreams aren’t happening fast enough and most importantly, BELIEVE that all things are possible with God. Oh, and add to that I need to be grateful for everything I am and have right here and now before I can accept more blessings.

So during this ordinary time…when we just heard readings in Mass of how God spoke to Samuel, calling Him to be a prophet (it took three tries on God’s part but luckily Samuel knew who it was the third time thanks to his elder, Eli), and how Jesus called his apostles, (asking them, ‘What are you looking for?’) we can rest assured this is no ordinary time, God is calling us to suit up and show up ready for battle (against the enemy, Satan, who tries to keep us down through self-pity and sloth), to take action, and to march ahead to claim His victory and experience our rewards. I pray we all have the faith, willingness and courage to be extraordinary today!

Michele Chynoweth


  1. Louise Stevenson on January 16, 2018 at 2:31 pm

    LOVE IT!! Just what I need to hear today. Thank you

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