Perfect in Our Imperfections

Finally far enough away from the Christmas frenzy where I second guessed myself several times on what gifts I had gotten, removed from the failed attempts to fulfill New Year’s resolutions of losing weight and working out more (hard to do when you’re sick on the couch) and on my way out of the winter…

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Author Interview: Michele Chynoweth — Toni Shiloh

Hi to all of my blog readers…this week I’d like to share another blog post from a fellow author friend of mine, Toni Shiloh, who is the President of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) of VA and a book reviewer…Toni was gracious enough to review my book, The Runaway Prophet, and interview me today!…

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No Ordinary Time…

This is the time of year where I think a lot of us feel like crawling back under the covers and letting the world spin without us. If we’re not fortunate enough to be on some luxury cruise in a tropical climate, many of us are living in the dead of winter…and when you’re sick…

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