Are You Getting Your Just Rewards?

Our society is geared toward getting rewards…we get rewarded with a paycheck or commissions for work, awards for contests, sales or profits for products and services, votes and wins for campaigns or elections, attention or recognition for performances…the list goes on. So it is only natural that we would seek rewards from God for doing…

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One for All…

In the wake of all that has been in the news on racism, hate crimes and protests, all three of yesterday’s Mass readings, which show that God wants to save us ALL, couldn’t have had better timing. I realized I was “comparing myself out” when I first stepped into a 12-step program, and recovery could…

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Where do we find God?

Have you seen God? Heard Him? Felt or experienced His presence? I have tried to focus in recent months on trying to “find” God, to know and love Him more, to be closer to Him. But sometimes, as with many things in life, the harder we try, the more frustrated we become. Often we need…

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