We all have seeds of greatness!

It is that time of year…for the promises of spring, for young people to blossom into adults, for proms and graduations and new beginnings. I attended a Confirmation of two twin boys who I watched grow up in my neighborhood from babies to teens. They are fortunate to have good parents who love and support…

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Progress…not perfection

Let’s face it, in this thing we call life, we are going to fall short. Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I had a beautiful, wonderful day with my children and grandchild and husband and mother-in-law. And yet, I allowed my joy to be tinged with guilt in the end that I fell short as a…

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Don’t Quit Before the Miracle Happens…

I can only begin to imagine a mother’s (or father’s) grief over losing a child. Fortunately I have never had that experience and hope I never will. How does one go on? Yet Eve, the first mother, not only lost one child but really two, since Cain killed Abel and then “went away from the…

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Is the Spirit Working through You?

Writing the last few pages of a novel is one of the hardest parts for authors I think (second only to going back and re-writing/editing!) You want so badly to be finished and yet, you don’t want to cheat your readers or put forth a halfhearted effort just to get done. I feel like I…

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