Religion and Politics…

Are you pro-Trump or anti-Trump? Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Are you unsure about which side you’re on,  or sure but afraid to speak out for fear of being unpopular? Today more than ever before with the recent inauguration of our new US President and the protests that have followed, people seem to be speaking out on how they feel on religion and politics…or holding back on how they feel out of fear they might be harassed or bullied for voicing their opinions. This past election has divided families and friends in America almost like the Civil War. And yet, even after that war, where brother fought brother over their strong convictions, people did eventually come together again as believers in God and His Word. I hope they will again soon. It’s obviously important to have convictions. I consider myself first a child of God and a Christian; I am also a woman but I believe in pro-life because that’s what the Bible – God’s Word – tells us that’s what God is about. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.†(Jer 1:5) And I can’t justify my rights as a woman to choose if they conflict with my beliefs as a Christian. I hesitated on speaking out on this subject at a recent gathering of friends because there were a few vocal women talking against the new president. I knew if I debated them  it would cause more harm than good just to get across my convictions or beliefs on religion and politics. I’m glad the March for Women’s Rights was peaceful this past weekend. But I’m also disappointed that, although the march focused on being “for” various issues, many protesters were “anti” Trump more than anything else. This week in the Catholic Church is dedicated as the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.” It couldn’t come at a better time, in the world at large, but especially in America.  I believe we should focus on our common faith and spiritual beliefs, not our different religious or political views, we should move forward from this election supporting each other and our country instead of trying to keep tearing them down, we should promote peace instead of protest, especially in these fractious times, and we should work together for the common good. Just as Jesus embraced the Gentiles with the Jews and encouraged them to love each other, we need to be tolerant, accepting, even loving toward those who disagree with us, in our words and actions. As St. Paul says, “I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.” Amen.

Michele Chynoweth

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