Let Go and Let God…

“All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” (Helen Keller) We have had a week to deal with the disappointment surely half of all Americans faced, and may still be grappling with,  at the outcome of the US presidential election. And now the same people feeling this way must move on, working with the other half in unity and peace, pulling together as “one nation under God.” Because that is what America does.  To do otherwise, to hold onto anger and resentment, is surely harmful to oneself and to the world around us. I encourage everyone to let go of any grudges, resentments and fears and have faith and hope that this country will pull together and be the leader God intended it to be. And more importantly, for each and every individual to have and hold peace and good will toward all in their hearts, for the sake of others…and for their own sake. Because God really is on the throne and  in control. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:23) Perhaps, for a moment, try turning off the television, radio, computer and phone…and opening your Bible. If you don’t have a favorite passage, open it at random…the right passage meant for you will most likely appear! And hold it in your heart, meditating on it and letting it give you comfort and peace. I write this so that I too will follow it…I write “Modern Day Bible Stories,”novels full of suspense and romance but based on Old Testament stories in the Bible. I don’t randomly choose which ones, usually God puts the next story on my heart (which is how the whole idea to write this type of book came about…when God tapped me on the shoulder and said “Michele, write a modern-day novel based on the Book of Job.”) I now look back and see He was helping me through some “Job-like” trials and tribulations…and calling me to help others relate to His messages in the Bible through contemporary fiction. But I have to do the work…which includes reading, researching and studying the Bible – and applying it to my own life. Today I pray we all find God’s message in the Bible to guide us through this challenging time.

Michele Chynoweth

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