What does God promise you?

How can we have faith if we don’t know what to believe in? I’ve been struggling with trying to have faith lately in just putting one foot in front of another now that I am working on my own as a full-time author/speaker/book coach.  Sometimes the “big picture” gets lost in the daily to-do lists and I feel anxious that I’ll never “get there.” But first, I have to ask myself once again, where is “there?” Of course the ultimate “there” is heaven, which is promised to all believers. But what about next month, next year, five or ten years from now? My dream, hope, vision is to continue to serve God’s purpose for me in writing Modern Day Bible Stories…contemporary novels based on Books in the Bible’s Old Testament. But it doesn’t deliver a pay check every day…at least for now. So I have to believe it will one day if God wills it. So that is what I choose to believe as God’s promise for me today. What do you believe God’s promise is specifically for you today? Once we can hold God’s promises for us in our hearts, I believe we can put our anxieties aside and achieve anything we set our minds and hearts to do! Look at all of the people who overcome addictions…there are promises specifically written for them in literature that was derived in part from the Bible. Or look at the Olympic champions on television this week…for each it all started with a dream, hope, vision, promise. There are literally thousands of promises in the Bible, but I picked two out of Joshua to meditate on this week:  “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.†(1:8) and “Not one word has failed of all the good things that the Lord your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed.” (23:14). How awesome that if we follow God’s Word and Will we are guaranteed success!

Michele Chynoweth

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