To take responsibility for others…you gotta have faith.

I am sitting here editing a young man’s novel and am feeling overwhelmed by the task. It is not a novel I would have ever read before because it is a science fiction story (kind of like “Lord of the Rings” meets “Harry Potter” meets “The Avengers.”) And I ask God, “why did  you choose me for this project?” Actually, the writer was referred to me by his uncle whom I haven’t seen for about 38 years. (He and I were friends in our high school years). I have edited several books now as a book coach. And with each project, I am blown away by the writer’s imagination and/or story and most of all by the trust these writers have placed in me. And at just the right moment, when I am feeling a bit wary of the task at hand, God encourages me through another. I received a phone call from an author whom I helped with my editing skills thanking me for being objective, straightforward and helpful with her memoir, which she said became a much better book with my aid. That was Friday…and now Monday already I feel overwhelmed again by the responsibility I face as I near the end of my current task. I pray and am reminded of the phone call Friday, of the story of Noah in a daily spiritual reading (just think, if we feel overwhelmed, how Noah must have felt being called to build an ark and save humanity!). And I’m reminded of Jesus’ message in Luke 12:48: “But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Which to me says we can only do our best with what we know, but also not to take our responsibilities to others and to God lightly. I know if I can keep the focus off of myself and my own abilities or inadequacies and instead “go with the flow” of the Holy Spirit by asking for His help and guidance, and then to have faith in the outcome, I can do the task at hand, one day at a time. You can too, whatever your challenge today.

Michele Chynoweth


  1. Jerry Callison on August 29, 2016 at 1:55 pm

    That is an important lesson to learn if far more than editing. That is a life lesson we all need to take to heart. God does not call us to do a job he does not prepare and equip us for, but frequently, he does the preparing and the equiping while we are in the process. Good for you for allowing God to stretch you.

    • michelechynoweth1 on September 18, 2016 at 7:41 pm

      Hi Jerry, thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my blog! I apologize for my tardiness in my reply! Please keep in touch, thanks and God bless you! Michele

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