Will You Fit through the Narrow Gate?

There is a lot in the news these days about athletes making big mistakes that get them in a lot of trouble. There’s Ryan Lochte, the Olympic swimmer who left Rio in disgrace after lying to the police about being robbed at gunpoint when in fact he was drunk and wrecked a public restroom. There…

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Do You Burn with Fire?

Have you ever felt like you were completely alone in your passion to achieve something great and wondered, why on earth am I working so hard when it seems like I’m not getting very far and no one else really cares? Surely at times that’s what the athletes at the Olympics must feel…they sacrifice so…

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What does God promise you?

How can we have faith if we don’t know what to believe in? I’ve been struggling with trying to have faith lately in just putting one foot in front of another now that I am working on my own as a full-time author/speaker/book coach.  Sometimes the “big picture” gets lost in the daily to-do lists…

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Stay silent or speak out?

This weekend I attended a family gathering where I had the lone dissenting opinion when it came to matters of religion and politics, two subjects that are best left out of dinner table discussions but often come up anyway.  It felt like I was being teamed up against, when in fact, several family members just had…

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