Choices usually come with sacrifice

We all have choices to make, big and small, every day. Some are harder than others. And many affect others. I had to choose recently to either accept a faculty position at the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference this past week and miss going to my annual family reunion or vice versa. It wasn’t easy…my dad…

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God is still here in the light

When senseless, evil acts occur that kill, wound, inflict suffering on people we know and love like the terrorist shooting that happened a week ago in Orlando, it is hard at first for many of us not to ask, “Why does God allow this to happen?” or “Why didn’t God stop it?” I believe the answer…

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Our jobs are easy today!

Compared to the eleven apostles who were left (after Jesus died and rose again and Judas was gone) to spread the Gospel far and wide to all nations, our jobs as disciples, evangelists, Christians, are easy indeed. It just doesn’t always feel that way a lot of the time. I believe I have finally found and…

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What to do with anger and resentment

Mark Twain seemed to be not only a great author but a very wise man. All of us get angry from time to time. People wrong us, hurt us, make us mad either intentionally or unintentionally. Or they wrong or hurt people we love. And when it comes to someone wronging or hurting one of…

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