God Still Rules in America

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!” (Psalms 33:12) I am proud to be an American and a Christian. It seems that both are being put down, fought and even oppressed by society these days. But we have to remember that since our country’s…

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Hardly anyone likes to “obey” someone. I spent time with my two-year-old granddaughter yesterday and watched as she playfully ran away from her daddy when he told her it was time to leave a party at our house. He used a more serious, commanding tone the second time and she pouted a little, then followed…

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You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have

Monday morning, blank page, dry well, already starting the week with not enough to give. What to do when those strange mental blanks and that feeling of emptiness come on…and you have a whole day, week, lifetime ahead of you to fill?  I am reminded that yesterday was the celebration of Pentecost, when Jesus gave…

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Leap of Faith!

Have you ever felt frozen or paralyzed with fear? I used to feel that way a lot before I was saved by God’s grace and the gift of recovery 12  years ago.  But here I was, feeling a pinch of that old sensation last night as I tried to sleep…it was the night before my first…

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The Bible on Recovery

As I celebrate 12 years in recovery from alcoholism, I am reflective on God’s messages to all of us in recovery through His Word (the Bible) and how I can apply them today, since I write Biblical based contemporary novels. I’ve often wondered why God put wine (and other alcoholic substances) on the earth when…

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