
Last night’s television production of “The Passion Live” on Fox was strange and wonderful, at times contagious and very moving, and caught much of America’s attention last night, including mine. It reminds me that Jesus’s story is very much alive today. Coupled with the fact that, count ’em, four faith-based movies are in theaters now,…

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Rainy days and Mondays…

Some Monday mornings are harder than others…sometimes we feel too tired or downhearted to face the day. After pulling my back and spending a weekend trying to rest (which is quite difficult for me, always with so much to do),  I woke up feeling this way, and the loss of an hour of sleep (daylight savings…

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Fighting for our faith…

Have you seen the movie “Spotlight?” You know, the one that won the Oscar for Best Picture? I talked my husband into watching it with me over the weekend despite his misgivings. I’m an Oscar fanatic – I try to watch as many films up for awards before the big night as possible so I…

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