A Second Chance…

Our God is a God of second chances. And because He is, so too must we be if we are to reflect his love. My husband and I are being put to the test on this, as my son is moving back home with us today. We had asked him to leave when he couldn’t follow…

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Scary and Exciting!

I’ve been finding myself saying things are getting “scary and exciting” a lot lately…my book coming out, going to the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville this week to “pitch” my book into a movie and make good connections, moving toward getting my novels on the New York Times Bestseller List, etc. etc. I also…

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30 Seconds of Guilt…

I’ll never forget the words of a priest on a women’s retreat I attended years ago in Malvern, PA: “Spending more than 30 seconds of guilt is a waste of time.” We as Catholics, Christians, people with morals, moms, dads, kids…all struggle with feelings of guilt from time to time. Just recently I was allowing…

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Don’t Listen to Them…

Everyone is told “no, you can’t” during the course of their lives, from the age of two when your parents try to keep you from danger or discipline you,  through adulthood when perhaps you’ve been rejected…by a lover or spouse, employer or even a friend or family member. It can hurt…real bad. But I believe…

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Praying for God’s Guidance in Iowa…

As America enters, in Iowa today, the first of many opportunities our nation will face to elect our next US President, I simply wanted to stop for a minute – and ask you to do the same – to pray that God guides our hearts as we elect a leader who will do His Will…a…

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